#BCA Jury
Pieter Pauwels

Pieter Pauwels works as an Associate Professor at the Department of the Built Environment at TU Eindhoven as well as Guest Professor at Ghent University. His work and interests are in information system support for the building life-cycle (architectural design, construction, building operation). He obtained his PhD in 2012 from Ghent University, and has had postdoctoral research positions in Ghent University and the University of Amsterdam. From 2016 onwards, he has been involved as an Assistant Professor in several education and research projects on topics affiliated to AI in construction, design thinking, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Linked Building Data (LBD), Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC), and Semantic Web technologies. Since 2019, he is active in Eindhoven University of Technology as Associate Professor, being principal investigator and coordinator of research projects on next-generation Building Information Modelling and web-based BIM. Recent research projects are the IEBB project (large-scale renovation), UPSCALE project (circularity), WILSON project (P2P decentralized building data), Brains4Buildings (smart buildings), Dinalog Prefab Modular Construction, Creative Machines (AI in design and engineering), and Robotics for Building Digital Twins.
Universitair Hoofddocent aan de TU Eindhoven, en Gastprofessor aan de UGent

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